  1. *Femi’s nastiness hurts me. Yewande and Femi do a lot of harm to my life.
  2. **God gives Femi and Yewande their hard spiritual fists to beat up an” indecent Chinese woman”. These two are professional church bullies.
  3. **Yewande treats me so abusively, but she is always holding grudges. Only Yewande is entitled to bad behaviors. Her Highness is very entitled.
  4. **No matter how many times I forgive Yewande. Femi only forgives his wife. Femi punches me badly. This couple are very abusive. They are king and queen.
  5. **I never meet anybody like Yewande and Femi. They punch me so ruthlessly and do not have any human quality. Femi and Yewande do not have human quality for me.
  6. **Femi and Yewande are shitty people. They shift all the shitty things they do to me. Absolutely toxic and low people.
  7. **Femi is a toxic bully. He calls me “not a decent Chinese woman” with his wife. Femi never sees his own horrible bad behaviors. 
  8. **Yewande is Femi’s wife, not my wife. Femi won’t get it. Femi treats her as if she is everybody’s wife. Femi and Yewande are very entitled people.
  9. **When Femi and Yewande bully me, they say it is holy teaching. They are given the rights by God to do and say as they please.
  10. **Yewande is extremely fault-finding. She makes me feel so bad. Yewande is a very cunning woman. She does good things in public.
  11. &&Yewande does not give me my status as a decent human being. She is just a racist and a hypocrite who is selfish to her core.
  12. **Calling me a fornication spirit is a ridicule. Our shitty Yewande, who cannot forgive me, says that it is help.  
  13. **Femi throws the word “bully” so easily to hurt people. This man is a piece of shit. He kicks me so ruthlessly leaving me feel so battered by a black man.
  14. **Yewande is willing to sacrifice me for her hatred. She is just always hateful.
  15. **Femi only forgives himself. He cannot do the same for others.
  16. **Femi and Yewande disgustingly says that they love me in God. They bullshit as they like. Their behaviors do not match their words.
  17. **Her Highness cannot forgive. She makes places shitty with her determination not to forgive.
  18. **Yewande is not a decent woman, either. But Femi never talks to me publicly about Yewande’s indecency. Femi only forgives his bullying and his indecency.
  19. *I cannot forget how Femi shits his flesh on me. It hurts me a lot. He just wants his moral ejaculation on my body. He does not care how badly he looks to me at all. Femi is not decent.
  20. Femi never asks me if his condescending remarks toward a Chinese woman pollutes her.
  21. *Femi does not know how to equally tell a Chinese woman that man loves her, too. Femi makes me feel so unworthy as a Chinese woman, compared to him.
  22. *Femi and Yewande are professional bullies. They are very critical, judgmental and the best victims. They don’t care that they hurt me.
  23. When Femi is criticizing me, Yewande would make her hard spiritual fists ready for Femi. Yewande always makes sure that her hard fists would help Femi.
  24. If you forgive Yewande, she would think that her hard fists are right. And she would acts worse and worse.
  25. *I cannot forget Femi’s flesh enjoyment, and how he shits his flesh all over my body. Femi is a king. He needs my admiration. But I never get Femi’s. Yewande exploits me.
  26. *Marrying Femi does not have to hurt me.
  27. *Yewande is on her 24/7 hateful moral orgasm. Her Highness can never forgive me.
  28. *Protecting yourself does not have to hurt me.
  29. **Marrying Femi does not have to go to moral orgasm with him.
  30. **Femi and Yewande are horribly unforgiving people. They don’t care about how their hatred hurts me.
  31. Yewande is an animalistic victim.
  32. *Femi and Yewande are the most horrible people that I meet. They are professional church bullies who name-call me as “a fornication spirit”. They stain me.
  33. *Femi and Yewande shout at me as “a fornication spirit” in front of people with her cultish harshness. Yewande is a professional church bully.
  34. *Yewande is the worst bully I meet. Femi is not a leader. Femi has a royal family. I am the spiritual servant. They put themselves before me.
  35. ** Yewande is so bossy and spiritually fault-finding.
  36. ** Femi has a royal family.
  37. **Femi and Yewande are very unforgiving. But I have to forgive them always even when they shit all over me.
  38. **Femi and Yewande are petty and cunning people. They believe pettiness and being cunning and sneaky is a God-given miracle.
  39. **Femi is the most arrogant man I meet. He has a royal family. I am their spiritual servant. This is a family of spiritual bullying. They make me so worthless.
  40. Getting married does not have to have a moral court with your husband to hurt me.
  41. Yewande can forgive countless of her Nigerian scammers, but she holds onto her grudges against me.
  42. Femi does not see his wife’s harsh horrible, behaviors at all. He married a queen.
  43. %*Femi does not marry a woman. He married extra hard spiritual church fists. Fists in church are given by God to hurt people.
  44. %%Yewande looks like she has moral orgasm by punching her hard spiritual fists. Moral orgasm is an appetite that never gets her satisfied.
  45. %*Femi is a king of Yewande’s hard church fists. He should not marry a woman. He marries hard church fists.
  46. %Femi does not reciprocate me. He is an exploiter. A man who spiritually bullies a woman. Femi wants my free admiration. But he does not tell Yewande that he needs to admire me back, too. Femi is an extremely entitled man.
  47. * Who devotes her hard spiritual fists for husband? Your family is your family. But Yewande does not have to hurt me.
  48. Yewande finds me a great place for her hard fists.
  49. Femi and Yewande’s marriage does not have to hurt me.
  50. *#Yewande is married. But she does not have to hurt me.
  51. *If you forgive Femi countless times for his bad behaviors, he does not care how he hurts me any more. He knows that I will babysit him. Femi is an entitled black baby.
  52. *#Earnest marriage does not have to hurt me and so unforgiving.
  53. **Femi and Yewande are the worst racists I meet. I never meet anybody who belittle me under their superior disguise.
  54. **When Yewande hurts me, she would never tell me that she is a piece of shit. She is easy with her hurtful behaviors. Her Highness lie easily. She does not care how hurtful she, as a human being, is like.
  55. **Her Highness’ views are so great. She does not mind hurting me to make her wonderful views. Yewande never listens to me at all.
  56. #*Femi and Yewande tell me that they love me in Christ only to be black bullies. Femi and Yewande punch me so badly. Earnest punching.
  57. **Every time I forgive Femi and Yewande. They chase after me with their fists. They don’t want my forgiveness. They want to chase me closely and make me their bullies. They are going to beat up me as their bullies with their super huge me until they hurt me. You cannot beat me up and hurt me, and call me bullies to kick the shit out of me. That is our man, Femi.
  58. **Femi is the most arrogant man. He is a murderer. He makes you feel so unloved. Huge, hard justice fists does not have to leave me feel so badly battered.
  59. **Yewande and Femi have a royal family. They take, and don’t give. They make me feel bad that I am serving their royal family. Femi and Yewande are very stingy, entitled people.
  60. ** Yewande is a deeply flawed woman. She does not care how I forgive her endlessly. Yewande is still a child. She is a thief.
  61. **Yewande is horribly bossy and good for nothing.
  62. **Femi and Yewande are babies. They don’t know that their jobs is to love me, not hurting me to feel great about themselves. Femi and Yewande are beasts.
  63. **Femi and Yewande hurt me so badly. These beasts are not human beings.
  64. **Yewande just wants to punch me to death. Femi never asks me if his wife sucks.
  65. ***Femi and Yewande chase after me to beat me up as their bully. Every movement I make causes them to call me a bully. Femi and Yewande are so smart and so harsh as human beings. They do not let me live.
  66. **Why is justice such huge hard fists?
  67. **Your marriage is so holy. But it is not a weapon to hurt me.
  68. **Femi and Yewande have hard justice fists from God. God gives them legalistic hard sadomasochistic hard fists of truth. They use them to shit their flesh on me. They sacrifice me and hurt me for their sins. They make me die on the cross for their own flesh. So cunning, and so hurtful and so ruthless.
  69. #*Femi and Yewande have to sacrifice me for your moral orgasm of hard spiritual fists and sadomasochistic truths.
  70. **What is truth? Femi and Yewande’s black sadomasochistic punches that almost punch me to death. What is truth? Femi and Yewande’s black spiritual fists.
  71. ***Yewande does not have to go to her moral orgasm with Femi together by hurting me with her hard spiritual fists. Yewande marries God.   
  72. ***Yewande only has her spiritual fists in mind.__
  73. **Yewande is like a devil. A devil of chastity belts and of having nothing to give. Yewande is an impoverished woman like her spirit of chastity belts. Such a dry woman.
  74. ***Yewande is a morally frigid woman. She is so morally sterile. She has only her sterility to give you. Such a morally barren woman. She starves you with her all-time criticism and harshness.
  75. Femi and Yewande devalue me and hurt me so badly. **
  76. Love is not sadistic moral lynching. Love is not determined to hold grudges against me.
  77. Love is not a moral ejaculation all over my body and life that Femi cannot hold.
  78. Love is not having a royal marriage, and hurts me.
  79. %********Truth is not sadomasochistic sticks beating others up.
  80. %%Yewande is a horrible victim. She can do a lot of harm to others. Being a bossy victim is not wanting love. Yewande should learn that no one owes her. Yewande is just a weak and deeply flawed woman. She is a all-time harsh woman. It hurts others.------
  81. ### Femi is very competitive. He does not love you at all.
  82. ####Femi and Yewande are very small, competitive people. They do not love you. Their behaviors do not love you.
  83. Love is not sacrificing me for Yewande’s moral orgasm with Femi in their royal marriage.
  84. Other than her sinless chastity belts, Yewande has nothing to offer.
  85. *I am almost beat up to death by Yewande’s sadomasochistic sticks of truth.
  86. ***Femi and Yewande are worst people of moral ejaculation, moral shitting, moral boxing and moral orgasm. If it is moral, they don’t care how they hurt people and how badly they act.
  87. #Good marriage does not have to make yourselves spiritual gangsters to beat me up to death with your husband.
  88. #Earnest marriage does not help your husband to enjoy moral orgasm together.
  89. Femi and Yewande always have the daydream that they are sinless chastity belts.
  90. Yewande has only her chastity belts and her hard spiritual fists to give you. She cannot give me more than her selfishness.
  91. #Femi and Yewande will give their subtle moral rehabilitation concentration camp. They don’t care how they humiliate me.
  92. When Femi and Yewande morally humiliate me, they always say it is help.
  93. Femi always forgets his own bad behaviors only.
  94. Queen Yewande’s moral orgasm is paining her.
  95. I cannot forget how nastily Femi makes sure he shits his flesh all over me.
  96. Femi calls me a fornication spirit and not decent in front of people. When Femi bullies me, he never even notices it. Femi only forgives himself.
  97. *Yewande is always holding grudges for things happened three thousand years ago. Femi would help her hold grudges.
  98. Femi and Yewande are a disaster. Their home is like a moral rehabilitation center where Femi and Yewande wear their sinless chastity belts as law and order.
  99. Femi and Yewande remember others’ faults and forget how we forgive theirs.
  100. I never see any help from Yewande and Femi.
  101. Femi and Yewande do not love me at all. They love their flesh and moral orgasm much more.
  102. Femi and Yewande should open their own moral rehabilitation court. Femi and Yewande would be there wearing the chastity belts and beat me up with their sado/masochistic bats of truth.
  103. *Yewande is a very unloving, fake woman. She is determined to hold grudges against me.
  104. *Yewande does not want to remove the trunks in her eyes.
  105. *Femi and Yewande have harsh mouths for their preaching. They would never do it, though.
  106. Femi and Yewande give when the world is watching. When the world is not watching, they are having their court witch hunt at home with Yewande’s cult of moral orgasm.
  107. Yewande always remembers to let Femi enjoy her moral orgasm together.
  108. Yewande and Femi do not know how to ask me for love. They don’t understand that they have to ask for love.
  109. Femi and Yewande are very petty, sneaky people. *Femi has a very sneaky personality.
  110. Yewande is not a wife. She is a queen. Her marriage matters. You don’t.
  111. *Yewande is a very mean woman. Femi is an irresponsible man.
  112. *All I remember about Yewande is how mean she really is.
  113. If you don’t make yourself less than, Yewande will beat you up to help you. Femi never sees his wife’s bullying me.
  114. Femi and Yewande are experts hurting people.
  115. Femi would preach not to throw the stone at the adulterous woman loudly, but he would throw stones anyways.
  116. *##Yewande harshly preaches to me that I cannot get a leg for a leg. But she does it to me all the time. Not to say that she is always harsh and hateful.
  117. *###Yewande’s mouth opens whenever she likes. It is worse than any sexual organs. Her mouth is unwilling to control her flesh.
  118. Her Highness does not know simply talking to me is enough. She prefers her mouth shitting around because she does not care how it hurts me. She prefers that her mouth exaggerates like a sexual organ.
  119. *###Femi and Yewande never know that talking to me privately would be enough. Their mouths shit and ejaculate everywhere. They never care how their reckless moral mouth hurts me.
  120. *I am treated so badly by Femi and Yewande that I never go back to church.
  121. Yewande shits her moral shit everywhere.
  122. Yewande is a very simple-minded woman. She is like a six-year-old child.
  123. Yewande is a fake and hateful woman.
  124. I always feel Yewande’s hard fists.
  125. Yewande is very odd. She needs her moral sex to make her a six-year-old child. Yewande never matures beyond her kindergarten years.
  126. Yewande never sees herself. She is still six-year-old.
  127. Yewande thinks I like her moral orgasms. I don’t. I am not her moral servants.
  128. For little things one can simply forget, Yewande exaggerates, and makes me a target for her (m)oral sex, moral boxing, and moral orgasms with Femi. Yewande never forgets to let Femi enjoy these. Femi is a (spiritual) bully.
  129. *Femi and Yewande lead by Yewande’s hard fists with Femi as the ultimate (spiritual ) bully-victim.
  130. *Yewande badmouths all the time. She does not care that she shits all over my life.
  131. Other than her meanness, I don’t really remember what love Yewande has.
  132. What is Yewande like? Mean! Yewande is a horribly mean woman.
  133. *After Yewande, if anybody says that they love me, I will simply ignore. They don’t. They make a moral circus to hurt me. It is not love.
  134. How Yewande lies to me that she loves me in Christ. Christ dies on the cross for people. Yewande beats me up to death on the cross. She wants Femi to enjoy it.
  135. *Yewande is a bitchy woman. I never see anything like that before.
  136. *Femi and Yewande need their audience, and they are automatic in suggestively humiliating you. It is a cult of moral orgasm for this couple.
  137. Femi is a sneaky man. Yewande is always holding grudges. Holding grudges is Yewande’s holy mission.
  138. Yewande does not know how to ask for love. She does not think her Highness has to ask for love.
  139. Going to heaven is easy. But getting this morally frigid woman to love you is impossible.
  140. Yewande does not want people to ridicule her. But she ridicules me as a fornication spirit. Calling people a fornication spirit is a ridicule.
  141. *Yewande and Femi shout loudly. These things are what they would never do. What is the use shouting so badly about things you would never do?
  142. ****Weaponizing moralism to hurt me is bullying.
  143. ***When Femi and Yewande are bullying me, they would say that it is moral helping. They never even notice how they bully me. They only remember their hatred. They hurt innocent people.
  144. ***If I forgive Femi and Yewande’s moral orgasm, they don’t care how their hatred hurt me any more.
  145. ****Femi never wants to apologize to me for his and Yewande’s bad behaviors. Femi needs my admiration. I never get Fem’s admiration. I never get Yewande’s.
  146. ****Femi and Yewande are always very morally arrogant. This is bullying. Your hatred does not justify how you are morally arrogant.
  147. ****Femi and Yewande seek others’ faults and are very critical. But they never discuss their bad behaviors in front of everybody. Self-preservation does not have to hurt me.
  148. If Yewande does anything for you, she is going to be very hateful. We never get her love.
  149. *I regret having gone to church. I don’t know it is so pettily accusatory.
  150. ***Wanting free admiration or else is bullying. Wanting free admiration does not have to hurt me with your hard spiritual fists.
  151. ****Low self-esteem does not have to hurt me for free.
  152. ****Low self-esteem does not have to devalue me so harshly. Hatred does not have to justify your bad behaviors.
  153. ***Hurting me does not have to get more pretentious.
  154. ***Marriage does not have to make Yewande and Femi moral abusers.
  155. ***Being right does not have to hurt me.
  156. *****Having sadistic hard fists of moralism does not have to hurt me.
  157. Marrying each other does not have to have your own moral court of your own law. Yewande and Femi are very secretive.
  158. ***Loving yourselves does not have to make your mouth so big. Yewande’s mouth has bigger moral appetites than any sexual organs.


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